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    Custody attorney near me

    custody attorney near me

    What type of custody costs the most?

    How Much Does a Custody Battle Cost?

    Child custody cases are the most complicated to handle, and can come with unforeseen costs. This post helps to demystify how much you can expect to pay for a child custody battle and what basic costs you will need to cover.

    Child custody cases are the most complicated to handle. Apart from being time-consuming and nerve-racking for all the parties involved, they are also very costly. The overall cost depends on many factors, including the conflict level between parents and the need for a child custody attorney. With all the legal fees and side costs, the price of a child custody case can start around $3,000 and reach tens of thousands of dollars.

    Let’s look at what makes the child custody battle so expensive and what you should be ready to pay.

    Some custody cases are less expensive than others. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to calculate how much financial resources you will need to go to court with a child custody case. But several factors affect the overall cost and make it lower or higher, depending on the circumstances.

    • Uncontested child custody cases are less costly than contested ones. First, they don’t require much time to finalize since both parties agree on most terms. And second, they can be completed without a lawyer. On the contrary, contentious cases when the parties struggle to resolve disputes cost significantly more. If an amicable child custody case costs around $3,000, a contested one can sometimes skyrocket to $50,000-$100,000.
    • The more complex the child custody case is, the more court time it will take. Since a child custody lawyer often charges by the hour (approximately $100-$500), the cost of their legal services grows along with the amount of time spent on the case. In addition, each party has to hire its own child custody attorney to avoid conflict of interests.
    • In some states, mediation is a mandatory procedure for couples with kids. In total, it might cost around $1,000-$1,500. Often, mediators are former or practicing custody lawyers, so they know all the nuances that the parents need to go through. Yet, they can’t give either parent legal advice. That’s why it’s acceptable to either come with a child custody lawyer to the sessions or consult them afterward.
    • You may need to hire a child custody evaluator, guardian ad litem, a mental specialist, a child psychologist, and other third-party experts.
    • Court filing fees, serving the paperwork, etc.

    Family law doesn’t require a person to have legal representation. It means that you may attend a child custody hearing by yourself. Yet, going to court with a complicated custody case without a family law attorney is generally a bad idea.

    The only time when it is more or less safe to represent the case on your own is when you and the other parent have already gone through settlement negotiations, agreed on the terms, and made a parenting plan (sometimes called a custody agreement). Different states have different rules on what to include in t.

    What is the best child custody?

    The best arrangement for a child is to have both parents living under the same roof. But barring that, joint custody is best. Half and half living arrangements. The child shouldn’t lose one parent. It will screw them up for life. From one who knows.

    How to win a child custody case in California?

    Jan 01, 2021

    Even though you know that you should win custody of your child in your heart, you’ll need to show the courts why. In California, the judges are ultimately concerned with one thing: the child’s best interest. Best interest means that family courts will seek a custody arrangement that meets that standard. That said, it’s essential to understand what the courts are looking for in a fit parent. Use the following list to have a better chance with your child custody case.

    In determining a child’s best interests, California law specifies two guiding policies:

    • Guideline 1
    • Guideline 2

    So, what practical steps can you take to meet those guidelines?

    You do not have to go through this journey alone. As seasoned lawyers, we understand how emotionally devastating this process can be. However, we always strive to formulate a parenting plan that meets our client’s needs and their children. Whether you want to reach an agreement with your co-parent or need a knowledgeable attorney to fight for you, Fenchel Family Law PC is here for you.

    What is the best question to ask a lawyer?

    Lawyers often provide pre-trial consultations with clients to go over their cases and discuss important details. This meeting is a great opportunity for you to decide whether you want to proceed with the lawyer’s services or look for another professional.

    Ideally, you should have a list of questions ready to ask during this meeting. If it’s your first time working with a lawyer, you may wonder what you should ask. This article can help with that. Below are questions that can help you better understand whether you’re about to hire the right legal professional.

    The legal field covers a range of subject matters and industries. It’s difficult to find a lawyer versed in all aspects of the law. Most lawyers only specialize in a particular area.

    Some common legal practice areas include:

    • Corporate law
    • Family law
    • Criminal law
    • Real estate law

    It’s essential to find a lawyer who is specialized in the matter you need. For example, you don’t want to hire a corporate lawyer if you’re going through a divorce.

    This may or may not be an essential question to ask. It all depends on your specific needs. It takes years of field experience to become an expert in some legal fields. So, if you may be going to trial, you want to find a lawyer with at least 10 years of experience in the field related to your case.

    Other times, a lawyer who’s only recently passed the bar exam can handle a case just fine. It all depends on the legal issue.

    Many people overlook this question. But you want to make sure your lawyer has experience working with issues like yours and people like you. They have a better chance of ensuring a successful outcome if they’re familiar with other clients who have gone through similar procedures.

    Some cases, like patent or DUI, require additional specializations to be effectively represented.

    This question is obviously important. You should know whether you can afford the services and how you will need to pay. Possible fees may include flat fees, contingent fees, retainer, and statutory fees.

    You also want to ask for a total cost estimate. The lawyer may not be able to give you an exact number right away, but they can provide an estimate so you can plan the budget accordingly.

    A great feature of Legalhood is that all of our services come with one low flat fee, making costs easier than ever. You can see more in our Pricing section.

    Once you’re done with billing questions, it’s only natural to ask for an estimate of the legal action timeframe. Again, don’t expect to have an answer that includes the exact day their service will end, but you should get a rough idea of how long the resolution could take.

    This is an important question in a couple of ways. The way a professional approaches negotiations, contracts, or dispute resolutions can really make a difference. If the lawyer you’re about to hire typically “goes for the kill” in his divorce cases, and you’re after a friendly divorce, they may not be the best option for you.

    Don’t be afraid to ask the lawyer whether your case can be solved differently. See if there are out-o.

    Who wins most child custody cases?

    Ah, custody battles – those tumultuous legal showdowns where emotions run high, and the fate of our little ones hangs in the balance. In the heart of these confrontations lies a crucial query: who wins most custody battles? This question captivates the audience, as two parents, once united in love, find themselves locked in a fierce courtroom duel over who gets the lion’s share of parenting time. The drama and legal jargon only add layers to the complexity of deciphering the victor in these epic parental clashes.

    Short Answer: Buckle up, because the truth might surprise you. There’s no clear-cut winner in the traditional sense when it comes to custody battles. However, understanding the dynamics and outcomes of these disputes is essential for anyone navigating the choppy waters of family law. So, grab your gavel and join us as we explore the nuances behind who wins most custody battles – and why this insight is pivotal for those embroiled in such disputes.

    The longstanding myth that fathers stand slim chances of securing primary custody in Texas is being progressively dismantled. Where once mothers might have been the presumed custodial parents, recent shifts in societal attitudes and legal practices, backed by compelling research, are altering the landscape. Evidence revealing the positive impact of active father involvement on children’s academic success, social adaptability, and behavior challenges the outdated notion, affirming that fathers are indeed capable of—and successful in—winning custody battles in Texas.

    The key obstacle leading to fathers’ losses in custody disputes is often not their ability to parent but rather a lack of proper preparation for the legal battle. This underscores the importance of the following 12 Texas Custody & Conservatorship Battle Tips for fathers aiming to navigate the custody process more effectively:

    • Tip 1: Seek Legal Counsel Early
    • Tip 2: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
    • Tip 3: Document Everything
    • Tip 4: Maintain a Positive Relationship with Your Child
    • Tip 5: Be Cooperative and Flexible
    • Tip 6: Attend All Court Hearings and Meetings
    • Tip 7: Follow Court Orders and Agreements
    • Tip 8: Demonstrate Stability and Responsibility
    • Tip 9: Prioritize Your Child’s Best Interests
    • Tip 10: Avoid Negative Behavior or Comments Towards the Other Parent
    • Tip 11: Focus on Co-Parenting and Communication
    • Tip 12: Stay Committed and Patient Throughout the Process

    Armed with these tips and the right legal support, fathers in Texas have a fighting chance to win custody battles, disproving the myth that the legal system is biased against them. The true victory in custody disputes is ensuring that children have the benefit of meaningful relationships with both parents, grounded in a legal framework that values fairness and the best interests of the child.

    A custody battle, or child custody dispute, poses a legal challenge where parents or guardians vie for custody arrangements of their children. These disputes frequently surface during divorce, separation, or amongst unmarried parents deciding to part ways. Amid these legal conflicts, an essential question arises: who wins most custody battles? Far from being mere curiosity, this question is a pressing concern for those entangled in such disputes, focusing on who will obtain primary physical custody and decision-making authority for the child’s upbringing.

    Custody disputes present a significant emotional challenge for all involved, with the child’s well-being hanging in the balance. The primary goal in these cases is to establish custody arrangements that prioritize the child’s welfare and allow for meaningful relationships with both parents. It is essential for individuals navigating custody battles to understand the legal processes, rights, and responsibilities involved to ensure the best possible outcome for all parties.

    What type of custody costs the most?

    “How Much Does a Custody Battle Cost?

    Child custody cases are the most complicated to handle, and can come with unforeseen costs. This post helps to demystify how much you can expect to pay for a child custody battle and what basic costs you will need to cover.

    Child custody cases are the most complicated to handle. Apart from being time-consuming and nerve-racking for all the parties involved, they are also very costly. The overall cost depends on many factors, including the conflict level between parents and the need for a child custody attorney. With all the legal fees and side costs, the price of a child custody case can start around $3,000 and reach tens of thousands of dollars.

    Let’s look at what makes the child custody battle so expensive and what you should be ready to pay.

    Some custody cases are less expensive than others. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to calculate how much financial resources you will need to go to court with a child custody case. But several factors affect the overall cost and make it lower or higher, depending on the circumstances.

    Uncontested child custody cases are less costly than contested ones. First, they don’t require much time to finalize since both parties agree on most terms. And second, they can be completed without a lawyer. On the contrary, contentious cases when the parties struggle to resolve disputes cost significantly more. If an amicable child custody case costs around $3,000, a contested one can sometimes skyrocket to $50,000-$100,000.

    The more complex the child custody case is, the more court time it will take. Since a child custody lawyer often charges by the hour (approximately $100-$500), the cost of their legal services grows along with the amount of time spent on the case. In addition, each party has to hire its own child custody attorney to avoid conflict of interests.

    In some states, mediation is a mandatory procedure for couples with kids. In total, it might cost around $1,000-$1,500. Often, mediators are former or practicing custody lawyers, so they know all the nuances that the parents need to go through. Yet, they can’t give either parent legal advice. That’s why it’s acceptable to either come with a child custody lawyer to the sessions or consult them afterward.

    You may need to hire a child custody evaluator, guardian ad litem, a mental specialist, a child psychologist, and other third-party experts.

    Court filing fees, serving the paperwork, etc.

    Family law doesn’t require a person to have legal representation. It means that you may attend a child custody hearing by yourself. Yet, going to court with a complicated custody case without a family law attorney is generally a bad idea.

    The only time when it is more or less safe to represent the case on your own is when you and the other parent have already gone through settlement negotiations, agreed on the terms, and made a parenting plan (sometimes called a custody agreement). Different states have different rules on what to include in t”.

    How much does a child custody case cost in Texas?

    Going through a divorce or separation can create tremendous financial stress. Your cost of living has to be adjusted to include things like spousal maintenance (alimony) and child support. Plus, moving out of a residence into a new one or suddenly becoming a single-income household could create a sense of financial uncertainty.

    Then, mix in a custody battle over your children, and all of this could quickly become overwhelming. In Texas, child custody battles can take years and sometimes do not really end until after the children reach full adult age. This can become quite expensive, which is why it’s important to know how much you can expect to pay throughout the duration of the process.

    Due to the numerous variables involved in a child custody battle, the average cost tends to vary widely. From my experiences helping clients during a child custody dispute, the average range to consider is $5,000 to $35,000 in total expenses, but it can be far more expensive depending on the circumstances. Every family has different needs.

    The factors that affect how much a child custody battle will cost include:

    • The complexity of the case
    • The need for expert witnesses
    • The involvement of mental health professionals
    • The number of court appearances required

    Certain cases may also require additional costs, such as drug tests and subpoenas. Each case requires different expenses, but, as a general rule, the more complicated the case, the more expensive it will be.

    Part of the reason why custody battles can become so expensive is they can take a very long time before an agreement — or judge’s decision — is reached.

    On average, custody battles take about eight months to a year to complete, with some lasting only a few months and others lasting years on end. That is why it’s very important to work with a family law attorney who will support you every step of the way. I will stay on top of your case for the entire duration so that we can drive toward the outcome you are fighting for.

    Oftentimes, both parents have the same desires in mind, which can prolong a child custody case. When one parent seeks sole or primary custody of their child, and the other parent intends to seek the same, the case may become extensive and litigious.

    In certain cases, when an agreement cannot be reached, taking the case to trial may be necessary. This further increases the overall cost of the custody battle and is the final step in reaching a resolution.

    In situations where you can reach an amicable agreement with your ex-spouse regarding the custody of your child or children, the case can be resolved relatively quickly and will be less expensive to complete.

    Each parent taking part in the custody battle will be responsible for hiring their own attorney, paying their own attorney’s fees, and completing their financial obligations for any applicable court fees.

    However, in extreme and unusual cases, you may be able to hold your ex-spouse liable for a portion of or the entire cost of the suit, such as your own attorney’s fees. It should be noted that these situations are rare. The parties will almost always be responsible for their own litigation expenses.

    How much does a custody lawyer cost in Michigan?

    There is no single answer to a question about the cost of a child custody lawyer in Michigan. That is because there are a number of different factors that affect the cost of a lawyer. In addition, there is the hourly fee that a lawyer may charge, and then there is the total cost of representation by a lawyer from the beginning of a case to its conclusion.

    Generally, a person may expect to pay from $225 to $325 per hour for an attorney who handles Michigan child custody cases. The hourly rate of an attorney depends on a number of factors. Usually, attorneys in large cities such as Detroit or more affluent areas charge a higher hourly rate than attorneys in smaller towns or rural areas. Some lawyers in Michigan may charge as much as $500 per hour.

    Also, an attorney’s reputation in a particular market and their experience in a field of law, e.g. child custody disputes, affects the hourly rate they may charge. An attorney with an exceptional reputation and a lot of experience in a particular type of case would be able to command a higher hourly rate than one who does not have these advantages.

    A lawyer with a lot of experience, especially in child custody disputes and a superlative reputation, may charge more.

    Child custody is usually what makes contested divorces in Michigan expensive. A local attorney in Michigan would be able to provide more specific information.

    An uncontested child custody case is where the divorcing parents are able to agree on how to arrange custody and child support. Coming to an agreement through negotiation saves these parents lots of money.

    However, one parent could be determined to win sole custody or some other outcome not favored by Michigan courts or suggested by the circumstances in the family. If this is the case, the case becomes contested and is going to be more expensive and stressful as well.

    Michigan law mandates a parenting plan that proposes a schedule for custody and visitation for their child. This parenting plan must be submitted to the court in all custody cases. If parents agree on a plan, they can file their plan jointly. If not, each parent must submit their own plan separately.

    For a straightforward, uncontested child custody case in which the parents are able to agree on a parenting plan through mediation or negotiation, total legal fees for the case may range from $2,500 to $7,500. Again, this assumes that the parents can settle the issues between themselves with minimal participation by the court.

    However, for more complex custody cases, such as those involving allegations of abuse or neglect, parent relocation to a distant geographic location, or high-conflict disputes, the total cost may be much higher. In these instances, legal fees can range from $10,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the time and resources required to resolve the matter.

    Child custody attorneys provide a range of services to help parents deal with divorce or separation and custody of their children. Some of the key services a child cus

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    Bus accident lawyer

    Can you claim whiplash from a bus crash? Bus and coach travel in the UK is generally very safe. However, accidents involving buses and coaches can and do happen. Importantly, if they are caused by the negligence of the bus driver, the transport provider, another road user, or even a pedestrian, you may be eligible to make a bus accident claim for compensation. We specialise in personal injury claims including those made for road traffic accidents. If you contact our claims advisors, you’ll get free legal advice about your options during a no-obligation telephone consultation. If your advisor concludes a bus accident claim is viable, they could refer you to a personal injury solicitor from our team. We are ready to help you claim compensation for an accident on a bus or with a bus, so please get in touch on 0800 6524 881 if you’d like to start the ball rolling today. To learn more about bus accident compensation claims before contacting us, please continue reading. Anyone who has been involved in a bus accident and suffered an injury, as a result, could file a claim. This includes passengers on the bus, pedestrians, cyclists, drivers of other vehicles, and passengers in other vehicles involved in the crash. If the accident resulted in the death of a loved one, then the family or dependents of the deceased person may also make a fatal accident claim. If you approach a personal injury solicitor to claim compensation after a bus accident or bus crash, they will need to verify that there’s a chance your claim will be won before accepting it. To check that you have the grounds to make a bus accident claim, they’ll assess whether: The process of proving who is liable for a bus accident can be tricky. Therefore, in a later section, we’ll provide details of what evidence could be used to support your bus accident claim. Yes, if a child has been injured in an accident on a school bus through no fault of their own, a responsible adult such as their parent, guardian or carer can make a claim on their behalf. In the UK, children are not legally allowed to make a claim themselves, but an adult can act as their litigation friend in the claim process. If you contact us about your child’s accident on a school bus we’ll be happy to advise on what action against the bus company could be taken. As you may be aware, there are personal injury claims time limits when you seek compensation for a bus accident. In most cases, this will be a 3-year period starting from the date of the accident. One instance where the 3-year limit doesn’t apply is if your child is injured on a bus. In this case, you could make a claim for your child thanks to the litigation friend process so long as you begin before their 18th birthday. If you don’t, a claim is still possible but they will need to seek damages themselves before their 21st birthday. We believe it is best to start your claim as soon as you can regardless of the time limit. That’s because solicitors need to conduct various tasks before sending the claim to the court. What is the meaning of bus accident? busuk Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio a large vehicle in which people are driven from one place … crashuk Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio an accident involving a vehicle, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged or someone … These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Some reps would knock on doors after a bus crash and recruit claimants by getting them to sign forms and filling in the details later. If a man of about 30, earning about £10,000 a year, loses his life in a bus crash, his dependent wife and three children might expect to receive damages of about £100,000. The case was over a bus crash during the early years of the school. They are involved in a bus crash, which leads to her death. In 1970, a bus crash considerably damaged the outer fence and cracked an exterior wall. None of the subsequent posts, though, were reported to the extent that the above-mentioned bus crash was, until 2005. Akash soon receives the news of her death caused by a bus crash. The bus crash will be a disaster no one will ever forget. In the restroom, some have heard the young victims of a nearby school bus crash. What is another name for personal injury law? Personal injury law, or sometimes referred to as tort law, covers cases where a person is hurt or injured, as a result of someone else’s negligence. This is a form of civil law, which means one private party is suing another, unlike criminal law where the government prosecutes someone. What is defined as a personal injury? Personal injury means physical injuries, mental injuries, or property damage caused to you by another party’s negligence. This type of injury may allow you to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party to recover compensation for the negative financial consequences of their actions. Examples of personal injury claims include: If you decide to pursue the at-fault party for compensation in a personal injury insurance claim or lawsuit, you or your lawyer typically must be able to prove the at-fault party: If you can prove that the at-fault party’s negligence caused your injuries, they may owe you compensation for your damages. This compensation may be available to you via a personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company or a personal injury lawsuit. You may be entitled to recoup the cost of any medical care you received to treat

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    Sexual harassment lawyer

    What is the first step if you are sexually harassed? If you are a victim of harassment, your first step toward resolving the problem should be to tell the responsible party to stop their offensive behavior. In some cases, if the responsible party is a reasonable person, they will stop such conduct and take corrective action. Which type of lawyer is best? Interested in a high-paying legal career? Learn about the highest-paid types of lawyers, their roles, and how our programs can help you achieve your career goals. In the wide range of legal professions, certain specializations stand out for their substantial financial rewards. The Colleges of Law is committed to training dedicated, ethical, and hardworking lawyers, skills required for success in these and other careers in law. The field of law is diverse, offering a multitude of specializations, each with its unique challenges and rewards. While all legal fields hold the potential for financial success and personal fulfillment, there are certain areas where lawyers, on average, tend to see higher earnings per year. As of 2024, the top five highest paid types of lawyers are: 1. Patent Attorneys 2. IP Attorneys This variation in earnings is influenced by factors such as specialization, geographic location, the complexity of the legal field, and the demand for specialized expertise. Some areas of law have emerged as particularly lucrative due to their complexity, the high stakes involved, or the specialized knowledge required. Patent attorneys are involved in protecting the intellectual property rights of inventions. Their work spans drafting and filing patent applications, advising on patent law, and representing clients in patent litigation. This field is ideal for those who are fascinated by law and technology, offering an exciting blend of innovation and legal expertise. Patent attorneys will find the Technology Professional Certificate program from The Colleges of Law highly beneficial. This program offers deep insights into areas like data security and blockchain technology, which are increasingly relevant in the rapidly evolving field of patent law. IP attorneys play an important role in protecting rights related to artistic and inventive creations. Their responsibilities include negotiating deals, drafting licensing agreements, and representing clients in IP disputes. As the digital and creative landscapes continue to expand, IP attorneys find themselves in a constantly evolving and high-demand field. IP attorneys will find our Entrepreneurship Professional Certificate to be invaluable. The program focuses on topics like emerging technology and the law, and building legal applications is crucial for IP attorneys working with startups and innovative companies. This certificate offers IP attorneys additional expertise to advise clients on the legal intricacies of launching and growing technology-driven businesses. How to charge someone with harassment in Ontario? This charge is becoming more commonplace than ever before in Ontario courts and carries a stigma that people will want to avoid. A criminal harassment conviction can make a person unattractive to potential employers and cause difficulty in trying to enter the United States. A finding of guilt for criminal harassment also carries with it a mandatory ten-year weapons prohibition. Prosecutors will routinely request DNA from criminal offenders to put on the Canadian DNA data bank. The consequences of a finding of guilt are severe, and it is recommended that people consult with an experienced criminal lawyer to determine the best course of action when faced with this type of charge. The Law Society of Upper Canada deemed Adam Weisberg to be a certified specialist in criminal law. High-profile cases featured in over 8 Canadian media publications. Specialized in defending 12 different practice areas in criminal defense. Services Toronto, Brampton, and Newmarket locations. Successfully defended repeated criminal offenders with each accused offense. There is a certain “creep” factor associated with the charge of criminal harassment. The media has generated an environment where people think “stalking” will always lead to killing or sexual abuse. Often the behaviour that leads to the charge falls short of the actual criminal definition. Sometimes it’s just “teenage angst” or other times it’s a complainant exaggerating what actually happened. Weisberg Law understands that not everyone charged with criminal harassment is a “stalker”. The following information has been prepared to give people a general understanding of criminal harassment law in Canada. It is recommended that a lawyer is hired whenever facing this type of charge to ensure that the advice given and received is current. Do not try to defend this charge without hiring a lawyer. The following activities will be considered criminal harassment (or “stalking”) by the courts: Following a person from place to place Repeatedly communicating with a person Watching or besetting the dwelling-house, or place where the other person resides, works, carries on business or happens to be Engaging in threatening conduct directed at a person To be found guilty of criminal harassment, the accused must either know or be reckless as to whether the complainant is harassed by one or more of the above-mentioned forms of conduct. Further, the complainant must reasonably in the circumstances have been fearful of their safety or the safety of someone known to them as a result of the conduct.

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    Employment law attorney free consultation

    How do I get a free consultation with employment law in Virginia? Employment Law Lawyers and Attorneys in Virginia Call 800-672-3103 for a Free consultation. How do I get free advice from California Labor Law? Everyone always mentions employees need more rights, but little attention is placed on what rights employers are violating under California and federal law on a consistent basis. Employee rights are of course more important than ever in this economy. With fewer and fewer small business employing workers in California, big companies seem to have gained leverage and the ability to violate employee rights. One type of employee rights that are often at issue relates to wages and hours. In particular, the issue of labor law breaks has found its way to court in many recent employment law cases. Employees are entitled to a 30 minute uninterrupted meal break for every 30 hours of work performed for the employer. However, what if the employees waives this right to a meal break by signing a meal break waiver? Or what if the employee clocks out for a meal break but continues to work through the break because the company requires the employee to do so? These employee rights are currently hot topics in California employment law and the answers to these questions are uncertain as of now. Another hot topic about employee rights deals with discrimination in the workplace. What happens if a company fires an employee but gives a false reason for the termination? Is this considered a wrongful termination? Does this give rise to a viable claim for discrimination in the workplace? Under California discrimination laws, if employees prove that an employer gave a false reason for firing the employee, this does not necessarily mean that the employee rights were violated by the company. However, the company has to present another reason for why the employee was fired. If this reason is deemed discriminatory, the employee may have a viable discrimination claim. Employee rights relating to working conditions is another current topic in California employment law. In particular, the issue of whether employees are required to stand up for long periods of time without the ability to sit down in a chair. Recently, several lawsuits have been filed against employers who require employees to stand up in the retail industry. Do employee rights entitle the workers to sit down or are the workers required to stand up all day? At Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmik, our lawyers have obtained more than $1.3 billion in judgments and settlements for employees and consumers whose rights have been violated by companies of all sizes, with a substantial portion of that amount recovered through class action litigation throughout California. Our experience with the identification and pursuit of workplace rights claims can help you recover compensation on an individual basis or as a member of a defined plaintiff class. For additional information about your litigation options under California labor laws, contact our employment lawyers in San Diego, labor attorneys in San Francisco or Los Angeles employment law lawyers for free legal advice. Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmik enjoys a statewide reputation for excellence. How do I get a free consultation with employment law in Virginia? Employment Law Lawyers and Attorneys in Virginia Call 800-672-3103 for a Free consultation.

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